
Pupil funding is additional funding that the Government gives to schools/colleges. This funding is targeted at students facing the greatest disadvantage.

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium grant was introduced in 2011 and is a sum of money given to schools each year by the government to improve the attainment of eligible students. 

Eligible students include those who:

  • are currently claiming Free School Meals (FSM)
  • have claimed school meals in the last six years (Ever 6)
  • are ‘In Service’ by having parents who have served in the armed forces within the last 4 years
  • are looked After Children (LAC)

The funding is allocated to a range of strategies identified by the school to improve the learning experiences and outcomes for High quality teaching for all

  • Providing opportunities for smaller classes in core subjects 
  • Purchasing academic materials and resources
  • Providing discounted uniform items  
  • Supporting students with transport costs
  • Widening participation visits
  • Brilliant Club 

Students who are eligible for pupil premium are given a virtual allowance to enable them to purchase resources, revision material and other essential items required for learning. Please refer to the letter sent in September for the menu that students can select from and the details of how to access the fund. Any queries relating to pupil premium please contact [email protected].

Useful documents
2022 - 2024


Covid Catch Up Premium

As identified by Prof Becky Francis ‘The consequences of the pandemic will be far reaching—for all children, but particularly for those from socially disadvantaged families. There have been wide disparities in engagement and children have faced varying experiences during lockdown. ‘
An evidence-informed approach gives us the best chance of maximising impact. Research conducted by the EEF and others around the world strongly suggests that compensating for the negative impact of school closures on the gap will require a sustained response.
Every trust school will have been affected by Covid-19 differently. The right way to support pupils will differ between schools and must be informed by the professional judgement of teachers and school leaders.
Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are likely to have been affected particularly severely by lockdown and may need more support to return to school and settle back into school life. – Holistic support- mentoring
For many students compensating for the negative impact of school closures will require a sustained response. It is highly unlikely that a single approach will be enough.
Highly likely to be beneficial to align chosen approaches with Pupil Premium spending and broader school improvement priorities

16 to 19 Tuition Fund 2021 to 2022 Academic Year
Covid Catchup Summer School 2021 Spending Review
Covid Catch Up Premium Spending Review
Post 16 Catch Up Plan 2020-21