Level 2 Hospitality & Catering

The Hospitality and Catering course will allow students to improve their food preparation and cooking skills.

Students will increase their knowledge and understanding of nutrition and food safety as well as learning about the hospitality and catering industries. This course also allows students to develop the transferable skills of problem solving, organisation, time management, planning and communication. Cooking is an essential life skill. During this course you will develop your knowledge and understanding of ingredients and improve your confidence in the kitchen.

Examination Board

Unit 1: Written Examination: 90 minutes exam which represents 40% of the qualification.
Unit 2: Non-Examination Assessment represents 60% of the qualification. This is an 8 hour task which students will complete during the 2nd year of the course and it will include planning and preparation of 2 products to meet the need of a set group of people.

Unit Content
Unit 1 will teach students about:

  • The environment in which hospitality and catering providers operate.
  • How hospitality and catering provision meets health and safety requirements.
  • How food can cause ill health.
  • Be able to propose a hospitality and catering provision to meet specific requirements

For unit 2 students will need to:

  • Understand the importance of nutrition when planning menus.
  • Understand menu planning.
  • Be able to produce quality food products.

Career Opportunities
After this course you could go on to study a level 3 (A level) Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition which we offer at Beauchamp. This course will allow you to develop a greater understanding of nutrition and the needs of different people. We have had a wide range of students study food related degrees at university. Some of these include; Food Marketing Management, Food Science, Nutrition, Nutrition and Exercise Science, Dietetics, Hospitality management, Food Technology, Food Development and Innovation.

Extra Curricular Opportunities
We hold a number of competitions each year with a range of themes and challenges. This course will include visits to hospitality and catering companies to allow students to get a first-hand experience of the industry.