May 05, 2023

From Beauchamp College to the RAF: Morgan McCaffrey's Quest for the Dacre Sword

Beauchamp College celebrates the achievement of their Year 12 student, Morgan McCaffrey, who has been nominated for the prestigious Dacre Sword award, making history as the first cadet from Birstall to receive this nomination.

Flight Sergeant McCaffrey competed against other cadets in an interview held on 18th April to secure a place as the nomination to represent the Central and East Region in the Royal Air Force (RAF) Air Cadets. The Dacre Sword competition seeks to identify the best cadet in the Corps, with the final round of interviews taking place in a "Dragon's Den" style scenario at the RAF College Cranwell.

To secure his nomination, Morgan submitted a personal statement, a record of his achievements, and events throughout his service in the cadets, as well as a reference from Squadron Commander Flight Lieutenant Sarah Mayoh-Smith of the 1947 (Birstall) Squadron. His application was fully supported by Wing Commander Carl Wilson of the South & East Midlands Wing and was submitted as one of only two cadets from the Wing.

Morgan, who is currently taking A-levels in Maths, Further Maths, Physics, and Computer Science at Beauchamp College in Oadby, Leicester, expressed his delight at being selected. He stated that it was an honour to have been chosen from among all the cadets who applied, adding that the competition was tough and that he was immensely proud to be the first cadet from Birstall to be nominated.

Squadron Commander Flight Lieutenant Sarah Mayoh-Smith also expressed her pride in Flight Sergeant McCaffrey's nomination. She noted that it was not only an achievement for Morgan but for the entire Squadron, and that they could all take pride in having the first cadet to achieve this nomination.